Life can be difficult and challenging, which can make it hard for us to feel close to God.  As Methodists, we believe that everybody can have a close relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.  Through Jesus’ death on the cross, and his resurrection, Christians believe that God has broken the power of all that is evil, in the world and in ourselves.  If we accept forgiveness and liberation through faith in Jesus, God can help us to resist evil and to live life to the full.

For faith development, we offer you much more than morning and evening worship. We have a lunch club and fellowship groups.  All of these activities help us to grow in faith as individuals and to encourage one another as we aim to live out our faith day by day.

Our social activities include various events throughout the year.  Depending on availability, we can hire out the Church Hall for various uses.

In daily life, Methodists are known for their commitments to social justice, to caring for people and to enabling other people to become followers of Jesus.  Members of our congregation put their faith into action by visiting those who are no longer mobile, assisting with a variety of clubs and activities and by playing an active role in the community that is Darley Dale.

We aim to give everyone a warm welcome.  Why not come and join us?